
Today, Mr Blanchenot recognised our stars of the week with an extra special celebration. Not only did our pupils enjoy a hot chocolate but William, Aurelie, Lucy, Rebekah, Minnie and Harry were presented with a certificate for their phenomenal effort in the JTMAT Subject Excellence Award for English. A huge congratulations goes to Dakota who got a special recognition for being named as the overall winner and presented with a prestigious JTMAT pin badge to wear with pride!  

Poppy, Rosie, Alfie and Adiel were also nominated and will receive their certificates.

The Subject Excellence project is open to all pupils across the entire JTMAT so it was fantastic to see our pupils get involved and produce outstanding pieces of work. The brief was for pupils to develop their content creation skills in broadcasting and journalism. Students could present their findings with written articles, film reports or podcasts/radio reports.

Not only did this project help develop our pupil’s media literacy skills, but also fostered teamwork, time management, effective communication and critical thinking. Whether pupils decided to write a web article or get creative with recording a podcast, it gave the pupils a real glimpse into media production.

An exciting part of the project for our pupils was to pick the theme or topic for discussion. This could include, a school trip report, interviews with peers, sports reports, science experiment write-ups, fictional events from texts studied or even accounts from historical or geographical events. Dakota’s winning radio broadcast was all about the recent Harry Potter night that takes place annually in the LRC.

Mr Blanchenot was proud of all the pupils who spoke so enthusiastically about the project. He took the opportunity to emphasise how participating in extra projects demonstrates their commitment to personal growth and excellence. Mr Blanchenot's encouraging words motivated the students to understand that going above and beyond their regular schoolwork is a valuable step toward achieving their full potential and preparing for future success.

Well done to everyone! We loved seeing you in your Comic Relief attire too!

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Celebration
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Please can we ask that parents/carers have topped up their child's ParentPay account at least a day before, so the funds have time to show on their accounts for when they are purchasing items from the canteen. 

Thank you. 

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
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Today we celebrated Comic Relief's 40th anniversary with a special throwback to its founding year, 1985. Our amazing House Leaders and Mrs. Bonnett organised fun activities that brought our whole school community together for this important cause.

An event that was extremely popular amongst our pupils was the lunchtime screening of the classic 1985 movie "Back to the Future." Students got to experience this iconic film in a special cinema-style setting. To show their support, Sixth Form students participated in a non-uniform day, while pupils in Year 7-11 added a splash of red to their uniforms with socks, headbands, scarfs and other accessories.

The House Leaders continued their tradition of organising a successful cake sale for everyone to enjoy at lunchtime. Pupils and staff lined up to purchase delicious treats and by the end of the sale, nearly everything was sold out! This impressive turnout showed just how much our school community cares about supporting Comic Relief. The combination of movie screenings, special dress codes and tasty treats not only made the fundraising fun but also helped raise awareness about Comic Relief's important work in helping others.

The final total is being counted and will be announced soon. Thank you to everyone for their enthusiasm and participation! 

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Events
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Well what a championship it turned out to be. Oskar and Kamil from JTHS were selected as part of the Staffordshire Team. This year the Staffordshire team was made up of 39 of the top cross-country runners in the country. The performances from this year showed all our young athletes that their time, dedication, commitment, persistence and hard work really does pay off.
Out of those 39 athletes, 56.41% (22) of those athletes bettered their positions from the 2024 championships, with 25.64% (10) improving their positions from last year by more than 50 places and 15.38% (6) improving their positions by more than 100 places.

Oskar last year finished 241st to 59th (2025) in the Junior Boys category and Kamil finished 277 in a very strong Senior Boys field.

The standout performance from the weekend came from the Junior Boys. I think myself and the other team managers were more excited than the athletes when we heard that the Staffordshire team were called to presentation. Last year the Junior Boys’ team finished 43rd out of 43 county teams, with the top 6 athletes scoring a total of 1,564 points from their finishing positions. This year the top 6 combined for a total of 284 points!! The effort from the whole team meant they were able to win the Junior Boys trophy for the first time since 1983. Oskar’s performance was a huge contributing factor to this victory.
I’m sure Kamil and Oskar enjoyed a brilliant two days and were able to take something away from the experience. Their conduct, cooperation and behaviour throughout the weekend was amazing. This year’s group of athletes seemed to get on with each other better than any other group we have taken before, and this helped create a lovely atmosphere amongst the team.
A big well done to them both!!
Miss Senior, Teacher of PE & PE SCITT Subject Pedagogy Tutor
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Extra-curricular activities
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Parents/Carers, please be reminded that John Taylor High School is part the My School Fund initiative. This innovative scheme allows for us to be able to boost our school’s budget with your help.

How does it work?

Parents, guardians and carers can sign up to the scheme for free and start earning cashback on the things they buy in participating retail stores, including Sainsbury’s and Argos. As you spend you’ll receive 2% cashback in the form of eGift vouchers that can be redeemed in participating stores. By linking your spend to our school on the My School Fund website we’ll also earn 1% cashback on your spend.

How to get involved

Visit to register for free and link to John Taylor High School. From there, everything you spend in participating stores will go towards helping boost our budget, plus your own!

Sign up today at Read more in the leaflet below.

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On Friday 14th March, Year 12 students Anja P, Evelyn P and Paige D proudly represented John Taylor High School at the annual Lichfield School’s Speaking competition, debating alongside eight other schools.

Our students put forward the argument that the UK voting age should be lowered to 16. The girls impressed the audience and judges with a mature, well-researched argument developed by our talented writing team: Ellie W, Shauna S, Mykyla A, Hannah M, Maymunah S, Isla J, Laiba K, Abdullah K, Kyla E and Angus S. 

The standard of competition was extremely high, with all students delivering polished, persuasive speeches. The girls spoke confidently in front of a distinguished panel of judges, including Councillor Sam Schafer, Sir Micheal Fabricant, Simon Price, Kathy Coe MBE and Andrew Sims of the Rotary Club and the debate chair Dave Robertson MP.

Our students performed exceptionally well and overall provided a thought-provoking and inspiring speech. Well done!

Year 12 Extra-curricular activities
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Our Year 12 pupils took a step towards their professional futures this week by participating in mock interviews with ex-business professionals from the local community. These practice interviews provided pupils with a realistic glimpse into what they can expect when applying for jobs, apprenticeship or university. The interviews were designed to be challenging but in a comfortable environment, allowing students to gain confidence while receiving constructive feedback on their performance.

Before the interviews, students had to complete a CV and write a cover letter. These documents helped them showcase their skills, experiences and career interests to the interviewers. Preparing these documents taught students the importance of presenting themselves professionally on paper, a skill that will be valuable throughout their careers. The interviewers, who came from various industries, used typical job interview questions to help pupils practice their responses and develop their communication skills.

Here’s what some of our pupils said about the mock interview process;

‘Really helpful. It gave me more ideas on how to reach my goals in the future, the interviewer made me feel empowered that I can reach them and gave me confidence that I could get there.’ Lois H

 ‘It was constructive, it gave me ideas and tips for the future interviews. One thing I thought was good was being told, don’t answer what you think they want to hear but what you actually think is truthful.’ Harry M 

 ‘They gave me tips on what was good and bad and how to improve. It was a useful experience to have had.’ Elliott C 

The workshops were organised by Miss Spurrier, Sixth Form Administrator & Work Related Learning Coordinator, who said ‘it was great to receive positive feedback from the interviewers and hear how impressed they were with our pupils. After each interview, students received specific suggestions about how to improve their interview techniques and enhance their CV.  This feedback helps students identify their strengths and areas for growth, making them better prepared for future job opportunities. I hope this experience showed our Sixth Formers that interviewing is a skill that can be developed and improved with practice and constructive criticism.’

To find out more about Sixth Form at John Taylor visit: Welcome to Sixth Form - John Taylor High School (


Year 12
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Message from the school catering service, Edwards & Ward. 

From the 1st April 2025 the main meal cost will rise from £2.95 to £3.20. If your child is eligible for free school meals, the allowance has also increased to the same value (£3.20). A full tariff of meal pricing is available on the school website.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
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During this week's ‘Hot Chocolate with the Head’, Mr. Blanchenot took time to recognise our school's aspiring young scientists.

Ava, Katie, Areesh, Hugh, Muhammad, Souvik, Eve, Fleurella, Momina, Paige, Henry, Joe and Jaina were all nominated by Mr Kelly for their outstanding efforts in the British Biology Olympiad, bringing home Gold, Silver & Bronze medals.

Mr Blanchenot spoke with Katie & Ava today who explained that they had to complete two 45-minute online tests. It assessed their wider biological knowledge beyond the A-level Biology specification. Mr Blanchenot acknowledged their perseverance, innovative thinking and outstanding achievements in successfully completing the tasks. The timing of this recognition couldn't have been better, as schools across the country are celebrating National Science Week.

IMG_3713.jpgThe British Biology Olympiad is an optional, extracurricular challenge run by UKBC (UK Biology Competitions) in conjunction with the Royal Society of Biology and Warwick University. It provides an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of scientific discovery and inspire the next generation of researchers, engineers, and problem-solvers.

18,533 students from 1053 schools participated this year. Certificates were awarded as follows:


Score (%)

% of students nationally










Highly commended






 Katie achieved Gold, which means she's eligible for the team selection round to represent the UK at the International Biology Olympiad should she wish! All those that participated also received a free annual membership to the Royal Society of Biology.

Well done to you everyone, we hope you enjoyed your hot chocolate & goodies!


Year 13 Celebration
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The University and Apprenticeship Fair at Leicester City Football Club
This week all students in Year 12 were given the opportunity to attend the University and Apprenticeship fair at Leicester City Football Stadium in order to gain an insight into Post 18 options and interacting with representatives from Universities and Apprenticeship providers. These included the Army, Aldi, Police, RAF, City Saint Georges, Hospitals of Leicester, Tempton, Cooper Parry. In addition there were a range of talks on topics including 'Degree Apprenticeships' 'Student Finance' 'Studying Law' and 'What a Russell Group University was'. Students left the venue with a good sense of the range of opportunities that were available and which opportunities they would, and indeed would not like to look at in the future. Students made the following comments about the event:
_4601894870644877180.jpgSafi: 'The apprenticeship talk gave really valuable information and from this I learnt the importance of doing additional tasks such as MOOCs to stand out.'
Chloe: 'I enjoyed the variety in universities between Russell group and non Russell group who we could speak to and were able to tell me the specific grades needed for the courses.' 
Kyla: 'The seminars were really useful, it was a great way to get an in depth understanding of what goes on at Uni.'  
I was also pleased as the Head of Year to hear incredibly positive comments from both staff of other schools and the venue. It is safe to say that the students attending in their School Dress Code was noted in a positive way and from the conversations I had it was commented that this created a good image of the students themselves which carried through into the conversations the students had with the different stalls. It was additionally pleasing to hear from staff of another school how impressed they were of our students, it is safe to say that Year 12 truly embodied our school values and represented our school community in the best light. 
This trip forms part of our post KS5 options programme alongside external talks which have already and will continue to occur from Universities and workplaces. From May, students will utilise form time to begin their applications to Post 18 providers as well as partaking in Work Experience before the end of Year 12. It was encouraging to hear how many students were engaging with their Post 18 research and it is important that they are using their time now to look into opportunities and attend events such as open days in their own time.
For students who missed a seminar they wanted to go to or want to listen to it again these have been made available here; Events Seminars - StudentStreamin addition the digital copy of the event brochure can be found here: App Brochure this is full of useful articles and videos for students considering going to university or taking an apprenticeship.
Oxbridge Application Workshop
In addition on Monday of this week Year 12 students were given the opportunity to meet with a representative from the University of Cambridge, 21 students took this opportunity and had a valuable talk on the application process for an Oxbridge Institution and how it differs to the regular UCAS process as well as an opportunity to ask questions. The University of Cambridge representative was incredibly impressed with the depth of questions asked and commented on the fact that the questions were well thought out and clearly showed not only a maturity but a depth of understanding and awareness of the requirements for an Oxbridge application. I look forward to supporting these students in their Oxbridge journey if this is the route they choose. 
Written by Mr Rostron, Head of Year 12. 
Year 12 Trips
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During an exciting trip to the UK Atomic Energy Authority, Year 10 & 12 pupils got a firsthand look at groundbreaking fusion, energy and sustainability power. At the JET facility, they learned how scientists are working to create clean and sustainable power, and the future plans for ITER; an international experiment that aims to demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale fusion energy.
The visit was perfectly timed during British Science Week, giving students the unique opportunity to explore the upcoming STEP programme and how we must change and adapt to meet our energy needs. This innovative project aims to build a prototype fusion plant and create a UK-led fusion industry that will help secure our future on this planet. Students were fascinated to learn how fusion works. They saw how scientists use powerful equipment and learned about potential careers in this cutting-edge field of science and engineering.

Thank you to all the pupils for their incredible enthusiasm during the trip and for representing the school impeccably.

Year 10 Year 12 Trips
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IMG_3681.jpgYoung Carers Action Day is an important awareness event that shines a light on young people who take care of family members or friends. These remarkable people, who make up about one in every eight children, provide unpaid care to loved ones who need help due to illness, disability, age, mental health challenges, or other conditions.

Today at lunchtime, Mrs. Appleton and Mrs. Harrison from the safeguarding team helped spread awareness by distributing information, pencils and KitKat bars, symbolising this year's theme of 'Give Me a Break'  which highlights how important it is for young carers to get rest and time for themselves.

Many students might not realise they're considered young carers, thinking they're just being helpful to their family members. A young carer might help with daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, giving medicine, or providing emotional support. Mrs. Appleton, who serves as the Young Carer Champion at the school, works closely with pupils who have these responsibilities. Being a young carer can be challenging therefore essential for pupils to know they're not alone and that support is available.

The local community showed tremendous support for Young Carers Action Day, with local businesses like The Range in Burton, The Co-Op in Barton, and Morrisons in Burton donating hundreds of KitKat bars to distribute to pupils. Staff members also generously donated too. This gesture represents more than just chocolate - it's a reminder that young carers deserve breaks and recognition for their invaluable contribution to their families and society. The day serves as a platform to advocate for better support systems and resources for young carers, ensuring they can balance their caring responsibilities with their education and personal well-being.

For helpful resources, please visit our website and click on this link:

Young carers - Staffordshire County Council

Young Carers Service

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Comic Relief is 40 years old this year - and we are going to celebrate its inaugural year: 1985! We are encouraging all students to get involved and raise money for this incredible charity. Take a look below at what's happening across school. 

Monday 17th, Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th
Movie Lunchtimes: 
(This is for Year 7, 8 & 9 pupils only)
As it's the 40th anniversary, we are going to present the iconic 1985 film ‘Back to the Future' during lunchtime in P1. 50p entry fee. Students welcome to eat lunch or snacks whilst watching.
Friday 21st March
Cake Sale: 
(This is for ALL pupils)
Any cake donations from students will be greatly appreciated, but these MUST be shop-bought, with the ingredients clearly listed for allergy reasons. They can be dropped off with reception on Friday morning. The cake sale will be taking place in the Lower Link Block during Lunchtime, students to bring cash for purchasing.
Non-School Uniform: 
(This is for Sixth Form students only)
Clothing must be appropriate and a suggested £1 donation is to be brought in and handed to form-tutors in the morning. 
"Wear something Red Day":
(This is for Year 7 - 11 pupils only) 
Pupils can wear an item of red clothing (socks/scarf/hairband/jumper), but must be worn with normal school uniform, including tie and blazer as usual. Suggested £1 donation to be brought in if participating and again, handed to form-tutors in the morning. 

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Events
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SnapRevise are offering students places to attend revision seminars at the University of Birmingham for their GCSE English Literature and Language exams.  These sessions will be on the 14th, 15th and 17th April. These sessions will be tiered towards students who are aiming for a grade 7 or above. If you are interested, click on the link below for more information and timings. Use the code ‘JTHS10’ at the checkout for 10% off ticket prices. This discount can also be used on all revision guides (not just English!)

Seminars – SnapRevise

Any questions, please email Miss Davis.

Year 11
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A Day of Discovery!

Our Year 10 pupils experienced an incredible day of scientific exploration at the GCSE Science Live event in Sheffield on Wednesday 5th March.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Hadley, 48 young scientists had the unique opportunity to interact with five of Britain's leading science professionals who are pushing the boundaries of modern research. These experts not only shared their groundbreaking work but also provided valuable insights for exam success.

Rosie said, ‘The trip was informative and helpful…Dr Anna Ploszajski linked science the real world and also talked had useful tips regardless of if you want to go into the field of science.’

Noah said, ‘I enjoyed the trip because there were interesting talks about different subjects within science. I thought Professor Jim Al-Khalili was great, the topic he was talking about really stood out to me and was interesting.’

Mia said, ‘I had a good time with friends and learnt something new. I particularly enjoyed the talk from Dr. Tim Gabriel because his presentation was interactive.’

Arwen said, ‘It was interesting to see the different pathways Science can take me. I liked Dr Anna Ploszajski the most. I found her story relatable and reassured me that I could be successful.’

It was a joy for our teachers to see that the impact of the trip had generated a greater enthusiasm and curiosity for science amongst the pupils.  The experience helped students see the real-world applications of what they learn in the classroom.

To find out more about the day, visit: Home | Science live!

Year 10
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Please be reminded of the criteria for Free School Meals.

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Mrs. Berry's dedicated team of Sports Leaders and Sporting Young Ambassadors demonstrated exceptional leadership skills as they organised and led the Hi 5 Netball Festival for local primary school pupils on Thursday evening.

The Sports Leaders led with respect and integrity by welcoming the pupils, delivering the warm-up, refereeing the heats and accurately score keeping. Their commitment to delivering a positive sporting environment was evident and they created an atmosphere that perfectly balanced friendly competition and fun!

Mrs Berry said ‘Student Leadership opportunities are an important aspect of life at JTHS which we encourage pupils to embrace. Opportunities like our Netball Festival equip our Sports Leaders with the knowledge, skills and personal attributes to become successful individuals and develop transferable skills, through working within the school and wider community.

The success of the Netball Festival highlighted how student leadership can positively impact the local community, inspiring both the young athletes and the Sports Leaders themselves. Well done to all those involved.

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We saw our school community celebrate World Book Day with a variety of activities. World Book Day provides a great opportunity to promote literature and the importance of reading and storytelling. You can find a wealth of information and activities on the official website –

Here’s how we got involved here at JTHS...

  • In keeping with tradition, pupils from Year 7 (and staff!) were invited to attend in costume as a book character. During the day, our library was visited by famous characters such as Harry Potter; Percy Jackson; Jo March; Phileas Fogg & Passepartout; Sauron; Professor Dumbledore; James Bond; Charlie Bucket; The Minions, and more.

  • Stories were shared throughout the day in lessons by our teaching staff. Each lesson began with a short segment of a story, reaching its conclusion by the end of the day. Our Key Stage 3 pupils were told the tale of ‘The Seven Wise Men of Buner’, a traditional folktale from Pakistan, while Key Stage 4 experienced the macabre tale ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ by Roald Dahl.

  • All Year 8 pupils got involved by creating their own designs for the National Book Token competition. Pupils will be submitting their designs to be considered for the new collection of tokens being launched later this year.

  • Mrs Clayton’s Y8 Art Club participated in the celebrations by creating some fabulous pieces of artwork with a literary theme. The pupils were tasked with creating a fictional map based on the landscape of their favourite book, demonstrating the use of visual media for world-building and storytelling. Their work will shortly be on display around the school.

  • Following on from Mr Weighall’s assembly on the origins of World Book Day, Year 7 were invited to read the story for themselves and participate in the ‘World Book Day Accelerated Reader Challenge’. Four exclusive book quizzes have been created and only are available until Friday 14th March. This is an opportunity for pupils to significantly boost their word count and book point scores in our ongoing ‘Worldwide Word Millionaire’ contest.

  • Prizes are also up for grabs in our ‘Behind the Book Cover’ competition launched this week. Several staff members have been caught reading in the library, but their identity is concealed behind the cover of their favourite books. Pupils will need to correctly identify each member of staff to be in with a chance of winning one of five library goodie bags. This competition is open to all year groups and entries can be submitted via the link in the inbox of their school email account. DEADLINE: Thursday 13th March.
  • Our library stationery shop currently has a limited number of the 2025 limited-edition World Book Day titles, available to purchase for £1 or trade in for free with their WBD £1 token. Stock is limited, so hurry before we sell out!

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
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Guess The Teacher

During an engaging National Careers Week activity, pupils had the opportunity to see into their teachers' professional journeys through an interactive guessing game across school. Teachers shared their career pathways on posters, revealing the diverse routes they took before entering education. Pupils were challenged to match each career pathway to the correct teacher, which sparked interesting discussions. Many pupils were surprised to discover that their math teacher was once a civil engineer, or that their English teacher had previously worked as a journalist, demonstrating that career paths can twist and turn in unexpected ways before leading to a final career.


JTMAT Job Competition

In an exciting MAT wide competition, pupils showcased their creativity and research skills by designing informative career posters and leaflets. The challenge required students to present comprehensive information about different professions, including detailed job descriptions, essential skills, required qualifications, career entry routes, salary expectations and potential employers. There were two outstanding entries from our Year 8 pupils: Rebekah's detailed exploration of a Zoologist career and Rabia’s thorough presentation about becoming an Illustrator. These winning entries stood out for their clear organisation, attention to detail and professional presentation of career information. The competition not only encouraged students to think about their future careers but also helped them develop important research and presentation skills that will be valuable in their academic and professional journeys.

Industry Insight Lunches & Career Cards

The Learning Resource Centre was a hub of activity this National Careers Week where various staff members shared their fascinating career journeys with the students. The presentations included Mr. Roberts' experiences in the Army, Mrs. Mallinson's exciting work at Disney, Mrs. Clarke's intriguing role as a Forensic Scientist and Mrs. Grewcock's insights into Business Management. Students showed great enthusiasm during these sessions, asking thoughtful questions and learning about the different paths these professionals took to reach their current positions. To have real-life examples was invaluable to our pupils.

Pupils also actively participated by sharing their career goals and displaying them on the board. This visual representation of career goals not only showcased the diverse interests of our pupils but also inspired others to think about their own future. The growing collection of career cards over the week demonstrated our pupils ambitions which included medical professionals, journalists, artists, dentists, engineers, entrepreneurs, property and more!

Careers Fair

Mrs. Ball was thrilled to take Year 10 pupils to the 'What Next?' Careers Fair, at the NEC in Birmingham. This event offered students a fantastic chance to engage with leading universities and top employers. They could chat with careers experts, receive personalized advice, and attend inspiring talks. The fair was organised into different areas, making it easy for the pupils to explore what interested them most. These areas included the Careers Advice Lounge, the STEM Hub, the Future Skills Workshop, the Creative Hub, the CV Clinic, and the Skills Development Area. There really was something for everyone!

At the fair, our pupils had the opportunity to connect with global companies and prestigious universities. They spoke with representatives from the BBC, The Global Banking School, JLR, NHS, PGL Travel, The RAF, and many more. It was inspiring to see our students actively engaging with these employers and institutions as they spoke about different career routes for after they had finished school. They represented the school with pride and professionalism, making a positive impression on everyone they met.

If you want to learn more about the Careers Fair, click here. For any questions or further information, feel free to contact Mrs.Ball at [email protected]. We hope this event has aided our pupils to make informed choices about their future career & education decisions.  

External Speaker

Year 12 Law Students had an exciting opportunity to learn from Rodger Hagan, a Magistrate from the Black County Region. His interactive hands-on approach helped students understand important aspects of the legal system, including perceptions of people, how magistrates manage their work schedules and the Magistrate Court Process.

What made this experience especially valuable was hearing about real-life cases that Magistrate Hagan had worked on. Rodger brought our pupils classroom learning to life making the topics more relevant and easier to understand.

Mrs Nurse, Subject Leader for Law said, ‘The talk specifically related to material that the Year 12 students could be examined on the aims and types of sentences available, the court hierarchy and the application and qualifications needed to be a magistrate.

In addition student's completed an activity Rodger was asked to complete during his interview and selection process to become a Magistrate. The activity required the students to rank the importance and seriousness of ten different offences and justify their choices.

This activity directly linked to the employability skills that John Taylor High School are embedding across the curriculum including, communication and problem solving. 

We’d like to thank Roger for his insight and the time he took to speak with our pupils’.



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