
Due to the celebration of Diwali taking place during half-term, our canteen have celebrated the event this week by cooking a delicious selection of traditional food for pupils at lunchtime.

There was a real aroma from the mouth-watering food as you entered the vibrantly decorated canteen. Here's what was on the menu; Bombay Potatoes, Chicken Biriyani, Veg & Chickpea Curry, Naan Bread, Pilau Rice and Coconut Ice, which is a traditional indian sweet treat. We hope everyone enjoyed it and Happy Diwali to those who will be celebrating.

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Our pupils kicked off this year’s Cross Country House Matches on Tuesday 21st October as they took on the 3.5km around the school field and off site in the beautiful countryside around our school. 

Mr Hulley & Miss Senior said ‘Cross Country is probably one of the most challenging events out of all the House Matches that run across the year. This event not only showcases the physical ability of our students, but also helps our students to show respect towards each other,  perseverance when pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, integrity by having the common goal of getting House points, and kindness by supporting others in their personal excellence’.

Top performers will be considered for the district competition on 14th November at Oldfield Middle School, with the potential to go to the County Cross Country Championships. Successful students then have the potential to compete in the English Schools Competitions.

Well done to everyone who participated, the conditions of the course were challenging and we are really proud of everyone who achieved their targets. It was great to see our students cross the finish line full of pride. A final thank you goes to those who volunteered on the day to marshal.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
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On Monday 21st October, our Year 7 cohort walked over to St. James’ Church in Barton-Under Needwood for the annual Service of Welcome. Not only is this a John Taylor tradition, but it is a great way for our students to learn more about our wider community and the part they play as JTHS students.

The service included a warm welcome from Rev Andy Simpson who told us after ‘how lovely it was having Year 7 in Church.’ The first hymn was ‘One More Step’ which left the pupils feeling uplifted and inspired followed by a reading by a student called ‘Life is’ by Mother Teresa. A group of pupils then gathered at the front of church to perform a sketch which showed how the church is at the heart of the community. Well done to you all, you portrayed your message in a brilliant and poignant way.

Miss Crutchley, Assistant Head and Head of Lower School, led the Reflection part of the service and said ‘I am really proud of how our Year 7 represented the school during the service. There was a high level of engagement and it was great to have our pupils, teachers, parents and key contacts from the local community all under one roof. Events like this are the epitome of our ‘One Community’ ethos. I would also like to thank Mr Roxburgh for playing the piano during the service, Rev Andy for hosting us, and to these specific students for their participation; Isaac L, Belle B, William O, Evie R, Jamie R, Freya C, Daisy C, Adam G.’



Prayer for John Taylor High School

We thank you God for our School and all that it means to us.

For the opportunities of learning and for all the books and equipment we use.

For our teachers and teaching assistants who make our work interesting and enjoyable and who help us to learn.

For the caretakers and cleaners, the catering staff and lunchtime supervisors, the office staff and for all who attend to our needs.

For all the pupils with whom we share our work and play, and especially for our friends.

For these and every blessing we have received

Thank you, O God. Amen.


Year 7
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We are really excited for the Cross Country House Match next week! Here is more information for students and parents.

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A huge well done goes to Andrew our Head Student for organising the first ever Sixth Form Games for the Year 12 & 13 cohort. Read more below about what Andrew had to say about not only the event, but all the planning & preparation that was needed to make it such a success. 

  • What are the Sixth Form Games?
The Sixth Form Games are a series of events that I have organised to give Sixth Formers the chance to come together through sport, as well as promoting and earning points for their Houses within the House System. Both Year 12’s and Year 13’s have the opportunity to compete against one another, in a sport that was chosen by Sixth Formers collectively. The events take place at the end of every half term - this Half Term’s event was Football, which will be followed by Dodgeball next half term!
  • Why did you decide to organise them?
Lower down in the school, the PE department organise what’s known as “House Matches”, available to Year 7’s through to Year 10’s. Sadly though, I recognised a gap that these are not continued for Year 12 and 13’s, which I thought was a great shame. Having spoken to a few members of our Sixth Form community, I found that in fact students would be very keen to have the opportunity to participate in such events. However, what makes them different from House Matches is that XI Formers chose which sports they’d like to be a part of the programme, and the event itself is not mandatory.
  • How did you go about planning the event?
Initially, I had to produce Power Points which were sent out to Students and Form Tutors, along with a link to a Microsoft Forms Quiz to gather students' opinions on what sports they would like to be apart of the programme. And after much liaison in meetings with various teachers, solving problems, multiple emails and more Forms Quizzes, a plan could be designed and developed.
  • What was the most enjoyable thing about the day?
I think the most enjoyable part of both events for me was how amazing it was to see so many students down at the events, whether that be competing or supporting! Students seemed to really enjoy themselves and are looking forward to our next event so that’s always a bonus!
  • Did you come across any challenges along the way?
Of course! There were several obstacles to overcome such as risk assessments, timetabling and logistics on the day, as well as last minute changes with students.
  • What part of event/project management do you enjoy the most?
I love the planning and organising of the idea and ensuring that attention to fine details have been considered. It is really satisfying to then see the successful end result!
  • Is there anyone in particular who helped with the games?
I also just wanted to take a second to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and students who have been so supportive throughout the process of organising a brand-new event. Special mentions include (but are not limited to) Mrs Bonnett, Miss Spurrier, Mr Reynolds, Mr Legood, The House Leaders and the PE Department for accommodating the games. It wouldn’t have been possible without their support from a safety perspective.
  • When are the next events taking place?
The next event will be Dodgeball. The Year 12's event will be on Tuesday 3rd December and the Year 13's event will be on Thursday 12th December.
So, as a final note from me, I would like to say a big thank you to all participators, I really hope you enjoyed the event, and I look forward to the next one!
Andrew, Year 13 Head Student

Year 12 Year 13
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This week Mrs Ball, Subject Leader CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) has been filling the diary with some fantastic external speakers who have led sessions to a number of our students in Year 11, 12 & 13 about what life after school could look like for them.

Firstly, Fran from Burton & South Derbyshire College delivered an inspiring presentation all about the vocational courses on offer for Post-16. The topics in the presentation included, entry requirements, apprenticeships, course and the impressive facilities on site. Over the past year the college has invested millions of pounds into upgrading industry leading facilities and latest technology and equipment to provide real life working environments. Some of the new facilities include, a mechatronics and cyber security lab, a new games development suite, a health simulation studio, a makeshift nursing home for health & social care, an immersive learning suite and much more.

Burton & South Derbyshire College are now an Outstanding provision in the courses they offer. Please note there is an Open Day on Saturday 19th October for those students interested. Visit their website for more information: Home | Burton and South Derbyshire College (

Next, our Year 12&13 students had the pleasure of listening to an informative presentation led by the University of Staffordshire about their gaming courses on offer. They also learnt about the industry, what careers were available and what entry requirements were needed. The feedback from the students was great and they said they had learnt a lot from the talk. They didn’t realise how many courses were available, these included; Games Design, Programming, Development, Art Concepts, Animation, Business. For more information about The University of Staffordshire visit their website: Home - University of Staffordshire (

Lastly, our Year 12&13s were joined by Lancaster University in assembly where they got a real insight to what life at University could mean for them. The talk included academic standards, the facilities and departments, the courses available, life on campus, student wellbeing, the community and much more. Our students were all highly engaged throughout the session and found the content of the presentation really interesting. It is such a fantastic opportunity to have these reputable institutions like Lancaster University come and speak to our students first-hand and leave them feeling inspired and much more knowledgeable. To find out more about Lancaster University and the Open Days  visit: Home - Lancaster University

Many thanks to Mrs Ball for organising these sessions for our young people. The thought of life after school can often be an overwhelming experience when navigating exams, course choices, locations, and career options. By giving our pupils these opportunities, they are further equipped and knowledgeable when making these decisions. For more information about the Careers provision at JTHS, please visit: Students - John Taylor High School (

Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
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Many thanks to Miss Davis and her pupils from 7A for putting the below article together for this week's 'Year 7 Spotlight'

''It’s been just over a month since our year 7 students started their journeys at John Taylor High School. Starting a new school term is always an exciting and nerve-wracking time, but for Year 7 students, it's a particularly significant milestone. As they step into the world of secondary school, they face a whole new environment filled with opportunities, challenges, and new faces. From navigating larger classrooms to adjusting to new subjects and making new friends, the transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting challenge. This article explores the experiences of students from form 7A as they embark on their new academic journey.''

My First Term at JTHS by Ollie

It has been over a month since I first started at John Taylor High School, and I settled in better than expected as I have remembered where my lessons are, got to my lessons on time and have made lots of new friends.

The subject I enjoy the most is Science because I have loved the practicals that I have done, especially using the Bunsen Burners! Yesterday, we investigated how different surfaces affect the speed of a car which was very interesting. My strongest subject is maths. It was also my strongest subject at primary school as well. Overall, I am really enjoying my time at JTHS, and I am excited to see what the rest of the year brings!

Exciting times at JTHS by Matilda

My first term at John Taylor has been very exciting. At first, I felt nervous, but when I saw friends I knew that I would have an amazing time with them. I have met some great new friends as well. I have enjoyed art, English and many more subjects. It is different to primary school as we didn’t get to do cool science practicals or art paintings.

My first term at JTHS by Daisy

I was quite nervous coming into school for my first time because I knew it would be very different to juniors. But I quickly made new friends and started being able to find my way around school. The lessons here are so much more interesting and fun than primary school and I love being able to be more independent.

Year 7
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Please see attached further information about the topics that your child is studying during their Personal Development session.

Mrs Hudson,

Subject Leader RHSE

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
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Our Sixth Form offers a wide range of opportunities outside of lessons to help students fully immerse themselves in the life of the school/wider community and to develop confidence, character and resilience. This academic year an improved enrichment programme has been offered to all Year 12&13 students where they have the opportunity to either complete additional qualifications in Sports Leadership or Extended Project or participate in a range of activities such as Music, Cooking, Sport and Fitness, Finance, Culture and Community on a rotational basis. The initiative behind this programme is to help prepare students for the next steps in their lives.

It was great to catch up with our Sixth Form students to see how the Enrichment Program has benefited them. Here’s what they have been up to:


The brief was to prepare a curry which the group of students absolutely met. The smell in the Food Tech classroom was phenomenal and great to see the students using delicious fresh ingredients for their curry. Ms Smith had created a relaxed environment for the students who all thoroughly enjoyed creating their dish. The skills the students learnt ensured they had basic cooking skills which they can practice at home or for if they go to University.


Through the course of each rotation, students have been able to develop their skills in music production. Students have used a step-by-step guide to create a piece of music in GarageBand with a combination of teacher support and independent practice. The pieces of music sounded really impressive and we are proud to have such talented musicians amongst our Sixth Form.

Personal Finance

The personal finance programme included areas such as key financial considerations as students reach the age of 18 including finances to consider when learning to drive and buying a car, what is included in a pay slip, borrowing, managing debt and saving money. All great life skills that we hope are transferrable into their everyday life.


This program offers an introduction to various modern languages. Multilingual skills are highly valued by employers in tourism, hospitality, international business, and more. Learning these languages opens doors to numerous opportunities and will hopefully set our students apart in the job market. Topics covered included budget guidance, an introduction to basic Spanish, different cultures, and holiday planning including transportation, accommodation, food and activities.


This session gave students an opportunity to explore the different and wider communities they are a part of. They have interacted with the Barton Neighbourhood Volunteer team and looked at action planning events. It also allows them to understand the complexities of budget management for councils, and how communities are affected by external factors. Lastly they have received basic training from the SEND department and aided staff in the delivery of specialist subjects to small groups of students to further enhance their own practise and the importance of aiding others in a community.

Physical Education

The practical sessions gave the students the opportunity to be active and have fun blowing off some steam.  We are delighted that Head Student, Andrew took the initiative to organise the first Sixth Form Games which took place during an Enrichment session.

The event was a great success, here is what Andrew had to say about his event: John Taylor High School eNewsletter (




Year 12 Year 13
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On Tuesday 17th October, Mrs Berry and the JTHS Sporting Young Ambassadors welcomed over 200 local primary school pupils to join Vijay Sachdansaar for a Bhangra Dance workshop.


Vijay from Nachda Sansaar has become a regular at the school and the session is highly-anticipated by everyone involved. Not only does Vijay create a vibrant and lively dance session, but he also teaches the pupils about the culture and the history too.

The pupils also enjoyed listening to information about the festivals which were held to celebrate planting and sowing seeds and cutting the crops. Vijay explained how these actions transferred into a lot of the dance routines that they were learning and were inspired by different farming cultures used in Southern India.

There was real excitement amongst the pupils when Vijay began to beat the large drum, known as the Dohl, a traditional Indian drum and played with cane sticks. The beat of the drum really helped the pupils get into the rhythm of the routines and they were absolutely fantastic at completing the traditional Bhangra dance moves. Mrs Berry organised for each pupil to leave with a certificate which we hope will be a great reminder of an unforgettable Bhangra dance workshop.

During the sessions, the JTHS Sporting Young Ambassadors were on hand to help. For some, this was the first time they’d been involved in an event in their new role as Sporting Young Ambassador. It was great to see them show kindness, respect and integrity towards the primary pupils as they did the meet & greet, directed them to their session, and were on hand to help with the dance routines. Well done to you all, you all showed true leadership qualities throughout the sessions and represented the school wonderfully.

Thank you to The Mosely Academy, Needwood Primary School, All Saints C of E Rangemore, Yoxall St Peter’s, Thomas Russell Infants School, Shobnall Primary School for your participation. 

Thomas Russell Infant School said 'I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the bhangra dancing this afternoon. The children absolutely loved it and that Vijay was fantastic as ever. Thank you so much for hosting the opportunity.'

Celebration Extra-curricular activities
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On Tuesday 15th October Year 7 students embarked on an unforgettable experience at their Bonding Day, held at the Beaudesert Outdoor Activity Centre.

Joining the pupils on their Bonding Day was Miss Davis, Teacher of English and Year 7 Form Tutor. She said; ‘the day was designed to help students forge friendships and develop their teamwork and communication skills. The day was packed with exciting outdoor challenges and team-building activities; from high ropes to group problem-solving tasks, students had the chance to step out of their comfort zones. The experiences below capture the highlights of the day, showcasing how our Year 7s embraced the spirit of adventure while learning the importance of trust, teamwork, and fun in their new school community.’

‘Bonding Day was brilliant. Both staff and students really enjoyed themselves. The activities were fun, exciting and I was exhausted at the end of the day! We achieved the main objective of the day – we bonded. The roots of our new friendships were made and the day also helped strengthen the bonds we already had from primary school.’ – Lucy

‘Bonding Day was very fun. The activities I did were monkey tree climb, the eliminator and the obstacle course (which we got very muddy in!) It was very enjoyable, and I am so glad I went.’ - Elijah

‘I really enjoyed Bonding Day because I made lots of new friends. I had fun doing lots of enjoyable, amazing activities. I loved getting to meet new people and getting to know them. My favourite part about yesterday was doing caving because it required a lot of teamwork, and we had to really listen to each other.’ – Avin

'My group did climbing, archery and coving, which was my favourite. We had to navigate through a dark tunnel which was full of dirt. I really enjoyed the high ropes too and think that the new year 7s next year will really enjoy it too. - Jem

'The bonding day was a fun and exciting trip. I'd been looking forwatd to it for a while, especially the caving which I knew was going to be lots of fun. It was great to have all the equipment on too. I found my way around tiny gaps and squeezed under a massive pipe. We also played hide and seek which was a great experience. - Jamie

Mr Markwell, Head of Year 7, said ‘I’d like to say thank both our student and pupils for making the day such a success. We know how nerve wracking it can for our pupils to make that leap from primary to secondary school, therefore it is our priority to help our cohort form friendships, promote teamwork and build peer to peer communication. We are ‘One Community’ and want to embed our core values kindness, respect, integrity and perseverance from the very get go. I am very proud and pleased to say that I saw first-hand how our students were demonstrating these.’

If you would like to read more about our Year 6 to Year 7 transition process follow this link: Year 6 Transition - John Taylor High School ( Our transition process goes beyond the first few days in September, it includes activities such as Bonding Day and the Service of Welcome which are key activities for our Year 7s within the school calendar.

Year 7
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Open Events 

Reaseheath College Open Events are the perfect opportunity for students and their families to explore the college, discover their courses, tour the amazing facilities and meet their expert tutors and support staff.   

Upcoming Open Events: 

  • Saturday, October 19th 
  • Saturday, November 23rd 

Students can book their tickets here: Experience Reaseheath | Reaseheath College 

Save the Dates! 

  • Lambing Weekends – 1st/2nd and 8th/9th March, 2025 
  • Family Festival – 17th May, 2025 
Year 10 Year 11 Careers
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If you are considering an apprenticeship as your next step, there are lots of opportunities both locally and nationwide. We have highlighted the more local opportunities in green and this information has been shared with all Year 13 students via their school e-mail account. We have drawn their attention to a couple of local employers at JCB, based near Uttoxeter and Nestle who are based at Tutbury. Many companies have a closing date of November 2024 for a September 2025 start. Therefore, students must ensure they complete their applications over the next few weeks. For further support, advise them to speak to their form tutor or Mrs Ball as the Careers Subject Leader. Please click on the link to download the document so that you can click on the hyperlink in the final column to take you directly to the company advert.

Year 13 Careers
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Dear pupils, please join us in the canteen at lunch on Tuesday 22nd October and enjoy our delicious Diwali inspired menu!
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
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Please see the flyer below for details of the John Taylor MAT Exceptional Achievement Award. The deadline for nominations for this term's awards is Friday 29th November.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Celebration
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The Future of Work: Inspiring Young People  

About the Event: This free and unique conference will celebrate the diversity of manufacturing and the huge variety of roles available, with a mix of expert speakers and exceptional young talent. It'll look at opportunities in today’s dynamic work environment, how roles are evolving, the impact of sustainability, digitalisation and AI on the future of the workplace, the demand for skilled workers and the essential qualifications needed in industry.

Who’s it for?: Careers Advisers, Teachers, Parent / Carers and Students (Yr9 – 13)

Date: Wednesday 23rd October

Venue: The JCB Academy, Mill Street Rocester ST14 5JX

Time: Arrival between 5-5.45pm for refreshments and marketplace / networking. Conference programme begins at 6-8pm. Further optional networking / Q&A until 8.30pm

Why Attend?: 

  • Hear from amazing young people who have navigated varied and inspiring training journeys into work.
  • Explore the variety of jobs, qualifications and skills needed, from experts who will discuss how roles are set to evolve in the future.
  • Connect with large local employers who want to engage with young people and can impact students’ futures.
  • Discover how AI, digitalisation, sustainability, and climate change are redefining and enhancing the future of work.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to engage with our expert panel and deepen your knowledge through pre- and post-conference informal networking sessions.


Ticket URL

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Earlier this week our Year 10 GSCE Computer Science cohort had the opportunity to attend a workshop, led by Mr D Jones, Senior Professional Development Leader at the National Centre for Computing Education.
The workshop was based on our pupils learning pixel lists by creating images on Raspberry Pi. The topics Mr Jones covered included output, control matrix, commands, data and defining the code. There was a lot of enthusiasm amongst the pupils who said ‘it was really cool when you can see it working’ and that ‘they enjoyed doing the practicals.’
During the session, the students used an additional Sense HAT which is an additional board that gives the Raspberry Pi a variety of sensing capabilities. Mr Jones said ‘The Sense HAT was originally developed for use on the International Space Station and is powered by the Raspberry Pi computer that it connects to. It’s a great opportunity for these pupils to use these pieces of equipment and see how they are used beyond the classroom. There is a lot of satisfaction that comes from the pupils when they see the output, I like to call it ‘the coder smile’!
Mrs Bostock, Vocational Lead for ICT, who organised the workshop would like to thank Mr Jones for his wonderful session and for loaning the kits. Opportunities like this are of great benefit to our pupils and only further enhance their learning!
Year 10
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Thank to all our students & staff who donated to World Mental Health Day today. Students were allowed to wear a yellow item of clothing to raise awareness for such an important day which impacts many. 


Well done to all our students for displaying our core value of kindness, we will counting the donations today which will be donated to Young Minds.

Students recieved a variety of information and over the next couple of weeks will be watching a presentation with their form tutors about how to prioritise their own mental health. 
Miss Crutchley & Miss Senior work incredibly hard to ensure that mental health is a priority and is seamlessly woven into the everyday culture of the school. Their hard-work and collaborative work within our school community meant that earlier this year, JTHS were awarded with The Wellbeing Award for Schools - read more here.
For any further support and advice, please contact your child's form tutor in the first instance or visit our website:
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1 The JTHS-Library Book Club celebrate National Poetry Day

On Thursday 4th October, our Library Book Club group celebrated National Poetry Day by sharing poems from some of our favourite writers, including John Agard, Michael Rosen and Leicester-based performance poet, Rob Gee. Poems were read aloud with great enthusiasm (and some interesting character voices!), highlighting the way poetry can capture the imagination and bring a little joy to our day.

More information on National Poetry Day can be found on the official website –

Our Library Book Club is a group of over 25 KS3 pupils, who meet every Thursday lunchtime to discuss their current reads and explore new books and authors. A limited number of spaces are still available, so any pupils wishing to join the group are encouraged to see Mr Weighall and Mrs Stubbs in the library.


2 Accelerated Reader Worldwide Word Millionaires

Within days after the official launch of this year’s Accelerated Reader scheme, Year 7 pupils made a phenomenal start by successfully completing over 300 book quizzes. Scarlett (7H) and Thomas (7R) were the first to achieve the prestigious ‘British Word Millionaire’ honour, by earning a total word count score of over 1,000,000.

The Accelerated Reader scheme will run with all Year 7 pupils throughout the academic year, with regular reading challenges for them to get involved in. All Year 7 tutor groups are in direct competition to see who can earn the most Accelerated Reader book points.

Pupils can access the Accelerated Reader platform via our JTHS Intranet in school or at home. We hope that pupils will be encouraged to read for pleasure and attempt the online quizzes on the books they complete.

You can find out more details on Accelerated Reader in this guide for parents:

3 BookBuzz – a free book for all Year 7 pupils

We are delighted to announce that John Taylor High School is taking part in BookTrust’s annual BookBuzz scheme, which aims to get young people reading by offering them a free reading book. Every Year 7 pupil will be able to choose one of the sixteen BookBuzz titles that have been carefully selected by the BookTrust charity, showcasing both new and established writers across a range of genres.

To help our pupils within their selection, the BookTrust have made a short video providing details of all sixteen BookBuzz titles, along with each author championing their own book.

Click the following link to access the promotional video online - The Bookbuzz Film | BookTrust

 We hope that Bookbuzz will encourage our Year pupils to read more frequently, helping to improve their wellbeing, spark interesting conversations and inspire creativity. For more information, go to the official BookBuzz website - Bookbuzz school reading programme for Year 7 and Year 8 | BookTrust

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