Weekly Information - Thursday 26th May 2022
All - U13 Girls make history in County Football Finals!!!
All - Key Stage 1 Multi Skills festival, organised by the Year 12 BTEC in Sport group
All - Year 8 and Year 9 Magistrates Mock Trial Competition Success!
All - Hot Chocolate with the Head
School Uniform Policy and Guidance
All - LGBT Pride Month
All - Race for Life at JTHS
All - Autism Outreach
All - Local Artist sharing career advice to year 12 Artists and Designers
Y11 Prom
Year 11 - Celebration Assembly
Y12: UCAT Bursary Applications Open
On Monday 16th May our U13 girls Football team made history representing JT in the first ever final against Blythe Bridge at Stafford Town FC. The girls were nervous, but extremely excited and raring to get going with the kick off. Seren scored an early goal and the girls pressed and put in a fantastic performance going in to half time, keeping the score 1-0. JT came out for the second half ready to go and again put in a highly competitive performance, Blythe Bridge kept pushing forward and eventually they scored. The final whistle went and it ended 1-1, meaning the winner would be decided in a penalty shoot out!
The girls who put themselves forward were amazing and I admire them for doing that on such a big stage. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be and we lost on penalties. However, the team played with such tenancity and passion and should be so proud of what they have achieved. This team have created a legacy and I have every faith they will continue to go above and beyond again next season. Well done to each and every one of you!!

On the morning of Saturday 21st May 2022, a team of 13 Year 8 and Year 9 John Taylor students, arrived at Cannock Magistrates’ Court ready to compete in this year’s local heat of the Magistrates’ Court Mock Trial Competition.
The Magistrates’ Court Mock Trial Competition is organised by the Citizenship Foundation, an independent charity which helps young people gain an insight into how the legal justice system works.
The competition involves a team of students taking on the roles of magistrates, lawyers, witnesses, and court staff to prepare a specially written case. This year’s case involved a charge of harassment contrary to section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The competition involves an incredible amount of work including, writing closing and opening arguments, cross examination questions and learning court etiquette.
In the first round, John Taylor’s defence team faced Sir Graham Balfour School. Even though our students had never been in a court room before they showed no signs of any nerves and delivered an amazing performance.
In the second round our prosecution team faced Codsall Middle School. Once again, our students gave an outstanding performance, and they clearly enjoyed the opportunity to immerse themselves in the experience.
The morning finished with the announcement of the results. John Taylor had impressed the judges so much that we scored the highest number of points, winning the Staffordshire Heat!
Overall, the John Taylor team’s strong performance was the result of everyone’s tremendous effort. I would like to congratulate all those who participated and thank friends and family who supported the students on the day.
Finally, we are very grateful to all the Magistrates and Court staff who helped facilitate the competition and allowed our students to experience such a valuable, educational, and enjoyable experience.
Prosecution Team
Prosecution Lawyer 1 George
Prosecution Lawyer 2 Isla
Prosecution Witness 1 Darcie
Prosecution Witness 2 Rhianna
Legal Adviser Amber
Defence Team
Defence Lawyer 1 Ellie
Defence Lawyer 2 Chole
Defendant Abigail
Defence Witness Megan
Usher Samuel
Magistrate 1 George
Magistrate 2 Fleurella
Magistrate 3 Harley
The following students had Hot Chocolate with Mrs Cochrane on Friday to celebrate their achievements. Congratulations!!!
Jake, 7H
Mia, 7A
Amelia, 7A
Jessica, 7A
Pearl, 7T
Lucy, 7J
Daniel, 8J
Chloe, 8H
Bea, 7T
Jessica, 7H
Alice, 7O
Nathaniel, 7R
Lucy, 7A
Milly, 7L
Millie, 7Y
Jack, 12I
Lottie, 10J
Ysabel, 10S
Loulou, 10Y
Uniform Policy and Guidance
Following the recent Government guidance on school uniforms and the parental consultation on our proposed changes, we would like to share the new John Taylor High School Uniform Policy and Guidance which starts with immediate effect.
As part of the changes, please note there has been an extension to the transition of the new uniform. From September 2022, it will be a requirement for all Year 7 and Year 8 students to wear the new school uniform and PE kit. The current Year 8, 9 and 10 may continue to wear the old school uniform and PE kit or a mixture of the old and new until the end of the academic year 2022/2023. From September 2023 all John Taylor High School students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will be required to wear the new school uniform and PE kit. If any new items of school uniform or PE Kit need to be purchased before this date, we would advise buying from the new selection to prevent any unnecessary repurchase from September 2023.
The school would like to thank those who have volunteered to support the second-hand sale of the new uniform and will be contacting them soon. Should you wish to express an interest in supporting this, please send an email to [email protected] for the attention of Ms Crutchley. Donations of used items of the new uniform and PE kit will be gratefully received.
We are still planning a collection of any old pieces of uniform to donate to charity at the end of this academic year. Further communication will be shared to confirm the dates when collections will be accepted. We are currently full to capacity so we will be unable to accept any more donations before future dates are shared.
Please see below for the new Uniform Policy and Guidance for current Year 7 students, new students from September 2022 and for all students from September 2023.
Please see below for the old Uniform Policy and Guidance for current Year 8,9 and 10 students, applicable until the end of the transition period. This uniform and PE Kit is will no longer be applicable from September 2023.
June is LGBT Pride Month. It is celebrated annually and this year to mark the celebration we will be selling badges from Lower School Office, Upper School Office and Sixth Form Office. Badges will cost £1 and students can wear them on their blazers.
Money raised from the sale of badges will go towards the LRC who have been investing in a range of books and resources specifically focused on raising awareness and championing the LGBTIQ+ community.
We are delighted to be holding our own Race for Life event on Sunday, 26th June!
Teachers, students, parents and the local community are invited to raise as much as money as possible for Cancer Research UK by running, walking or even dancing your way around a 3K route within the John Taylor High School grounds.
If you wish to take part and be sponsored for completing the 3k route, please download a sponsorship form - 2022 Sponsorship Form.pdf - to raise as much money as you can for Cancer Research.
You can also donate via the School’s Just Giving page https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/john-taylor-high-school .
Refreshments, music and support from St. John’s Ambulance will be available on the day.
For your information: Free Parent/Carer Training available from the Autism Outreach Team on the following dates:

Year 12 Art and Design students were very lucky to have local artist Melissa Gee join them to showcase her work and discuss her journey to become a professional artist. Melissa gave them lots of advice for following a creative career and we really appreciate her giving up her afternoon with our students.
Melissa will also be starting an oil painting class on 6th June at Holland Sports Club Potters Cafe. Please see the poster for more details if you are interested in painting.
A reminder that Year 11 Prom is taking place on Friday 24th June. We have now confirmed final numbers with the venue and look forward to celebrating with our students.
Arrival from 6:30pm and last carriages at 10:30pm.
The Year 11 Celebration assembly will take place after the Science exams on Thursday 23rd June.
All students are invited to join staff for a short assembly and sweet treat after the exam.
The assembly and celebration will be finished by Midday. Students are welcome to stay in school to revise if they have any further exams, if not students will be dismissed after the assembly.
This bursary allows eligible students to sit the UCAT exam for free.
Year 12 students can apply below:
To be eligible, students need to meet one of the following criteria:
- Free School Meals
- 16 to 19 Bursary (England), or EMA (Scotland, Wales or NI)
- HE Student Finance means-tested maintenance award.
- Universal Credit
- Working or Child Tax Credit
- Income Support, or Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA), or
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Asylum Support
Full criteria can be found here: https://www.ucat.ac.uk/register/bursary-scheme/