Weekly Information Friday 26th January 2024
Hot Chocolate with the Head 26/01/24
Careers - Hodges Trainee Quantity Surveyor Job Vacancy (Degree Apprenticeship 2024)
All - Hot Chocolate with the Head
JCB Business Enterprise Day
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Year 11 Supporting Success Evening
year 11 GCSE Geography - Revision Videos
Year 11 & Year 12 - University of Cambridge - Sidney Sussex Webinar Series
Year 12 - University of Cambridge Conference
Year 12 - Nottingham University Summer School - Applications Close 7th March 2024
Careers - National Highways- National Apprenticeship Week Webinars
Careers - University Hospital of Derby & Burton - Apprenticeship & Careers Newsletter
Second Hand Uniform
Car parking in the village
Y12 & Y13 - 16-19 Discretionary Bursary Fund

Hot Chocolate with the Head
Our last ‘Hot Chocolate with the Head’ of January did not disappoint. What a fantastic group of young people we have within our school community. It was a pleasure for Mrs Cochrane to spend another breaktime with them to recognise their achievements.
Mrs Cochrane was delighted to speak to Lucy (Y7) who has received recognition for writing and delivering an excellent speech at the Year 6 Open Evening. Lucy showed true courage when delivering her speech as she stood on the stage in the Main Hall in front of hundreds of Y6 children and their parents. Mrs Cochrane said that ‘Lucy’s speech really stood out on the night. She projected her voice and captivated the audience. Her words were very reassuring for the Y6 children who possibly will choose to attend John Taylor in September.’ Well done Lucy, we wish you all the success in the future with your public speaking and presenting.
The next group of nominated students included Florence (Y8), Isobel (Y8), Amelie (Y9), Alys (Y8), Holly (Y8), Florence (Y8) and Will (Y8) who all helped at the last Community Afternoon Tea for elderly local residents. On the day the roles included welcoming and registering the guests, which Will said he really enjoyed doing, hosting the guests by ensuring they had enough refreshments, playing games such as curling and chess and finally just being there to chat with the residents and find out more about them. Mrs Cochrane shared with the group that the school received thank you cards and letters which shows how grateful and appreciative the residents were to be invited to the Community Afternoon Tea. Due to its success, we are hosting another one in March. This wouldn’t be possible without the volunteers being kind, polite, friendly and inclusive towards the guests. Kindness is one of the schools’ values, so Mrs Cochrane was extremely proud to see that the group had demonstrated this so wonderfully. Thank you to all those involved, it is great to see our relationship within the local community grow.
As the session came to an end and the group finished their chocolate goodies, we took the opportunity to take a group picture (see below). Mrs Cochrane wishes them all the success for the future in the skills they have demonstrated.
If you’d like to nominate a student who has demonstrated one of our core values or has gone above and beyond in or out of school, please contact [email protected].
The following students celebrated their achievements with Mrs Cochrane this week, congratulations to them all!
Jed | 13J | |
Ryan | 9H | |
Florence | 8O | |
Isobel | 8R | |
Will | 9Y | |
Amelie | 9Y | |
Connie | 9T | |
Alys | 8Y | |
Holly | 8H | |
Florence | 8J | |
Holly | 12I | |
Jess | 12J | |
Lissie | 12J | |
Scarlett | 12J | |
Molly | 10J | |
Lucy | 7C3 |
William | 8O |

On Wednesday 24th January our Year 9 students got the chance to be involved with the JCB Business Enterprise challenge, led by The Inspirational Learning Group.
The Inspirational Learning Group have seen 500,000 young people engaging with The National Careers Challenge, the largest school enterprise competition in the UK. With 10 other schools taking part to try and make it to the regional finals, it was encouraging to see the student’s enthusiasm come alive as they started generating ideas amongst their teams.
In true ‘Apprentice’ style, the teams chose a project manager to bring the proposal together. The teams were tasked with developing, designing and marketing a new product that would help with day-to-day challenges around the home. A Robo-brolly, GPS hoverboards, light up clothing and a fridge that tells when food is out of date were just a few of the fantastic ideas being brought to life.
Here’s what Abbi, one of our Year 9 student’s, said about her experience.
''There were lots of fun aspects of the tasks which included designing a mascot, which I particularly enjoyed as it meant working as a team to create a fun unique image. Doing the enterprise competition was a nice change to normal lessons as it meant that we could work with people that we hadn't work with before on something in a fun and engaging way. I felt that using this time to work with new people was really beneficial to build our communication skills and broaden our ideas and views by working on different projects.''
Mr Markwell, Head of Year 9, added; "It was brilliant to see the whole of the year group rising to the challenges set by JCB; taking creative risks in developing and presenting solutions. The year excelled and we are really excited to see them using this as a spring board towards further success in the rest of year 9, GCSE's and beyond"
At the end of the session the groups then presented their product to the rest of their peers and teachers, which we hope built their confidence with public speaking and presenting. Throughout the day and on completion of the challenge, our Year 9’s developed many other transferable skills such as teamwork, leadership, organisation, communication and time-management, all of which are key skills required to thrive in the world of work.
The teachers were extremely proud of how hard the students worked during the day and hope they gained some invaluable experience that takes them forward. Thank you to The Inspirational Learning Group and all those involved for making the event extremely successful.

As One Community, John Taylor High School wants to provide a platform for students to share areas they feel require additional representation and to ensure all students feel represented.
Next week, we will be launching an opportunity for our students to be part of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group. Students will be offered the opportunity to play a key role in developing diversity, inclusion and equality across the school community, working with peers and staff.
During this week, students will have an assembly around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). Following this, students will have the chance to apply to become an EDI Champion.
As part of the school community, we look forward to parents and carers being provided with the opportunity to feed into this group at one of the parent engagement workshops in the near future.
To Year 11 Parents,
You are invited to attend an evening for parents. This is specifically focused on the core subjects- English, Maths, Science and Religious Studies as well as helping parents to develop an understanding of cognitive science in order to support your child with effective and impactful revision.
We will also be using this evening to share some useful signposting about student wellbeing, we know that the run up to exams can be a stressful time.
Please use the link below to book your tickets, there are a maximum of 2 per student to ensure that we have capacity in the school hall.
There is no requirement for students to attend. Students will be having a bespoke series of assemblies during the Spring Term that covers all of the information shared with parents and more.
We look forward to welcoming you into school on Wednesday 21st February. Please arrive from 5:45pm for a 6pm start. The evening will close at 7:30pm.
Upper School Team
The second revision video will be available for Year 11 students to access on Monday 29th February. It is titled ‘what causes earthquakes and volcanoes?’
Please access this via the link shared on Go4Schools KS4
Don’t forget to hand in your previous exam question this week as well
Should you have any questions regarding the revision videos, please contact your child’s Geography teacher.
Sidney Sussex Webinar Series 2024 | February
When: 20 and 22/02/2024
Where: Online
What: A series of monthly webinars with the Sidney Sussex Schools Liaison Officer about the different stages of the application process. February will cover super-curricular activities, what they are, and why they matter in preparing to apply for university.
More information and how to apply: https://www.sid.cam.ac.uk/apply/undergraduate-study/access-sidney.
Sidney Sussex Enigma Summer School 2024 (currently accepting expressions of interest)
When: 13-15/09/2024
Where: In Person in Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
What: A summer school aimed at Year 12 female and non-binary students interested in science. Includes a series of academic tasters as well as advice and guidance on university applications.
More information and how to apply: https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/events/enigma-summer-school-2024
When: January to June 2024
Where: Online
What: An online outreach programme for UK-domiciled Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Arab students in Year 12 (Y13 NI/ S5 Scotland)
More information and how to apply: https://www.clickcambridge.co.uk/
Think Cambridge Webinar Series
When: January to February 2024
Where: Online
What: A webinar series for Y12 and Y11, aiming to raise aspirations for applying to Cambridge.
More information and how to apply: https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/events/think-cambridge-0
Newnham College Rosalind Franklin Women in STEM Conference
When: 25-27/03/2024
Where: In person in Newnham College, Cambridge
What: This conference brings together eighty attendees with the aim of fostering academic discussion among young people. Participants are encouraged to consider the wide-reaching roles of STEM in society.
More information and how to apply: https://newn.cam.ac.uk/admissions/access-and-outreach/school-visits/
Clare College Future Museum Voices Residential
When: Across 2024
Where: In person in Clare College, Cambridge, and Online
What: An outreach initiative between Clare College and Cambridge museums in which students can curate an interdisciplinary exhibition.
More information and how to apply: https://www.clare.cam.ac.uk/cambridge-future-museum-voices-outreach-residential-2024
Christ’s College Subject Tasters
When: Across 2024
Where: Online and In person in Christ’s College
What: A series of online academic taster sessions accompanied by an in person visit to Christ’s College
More information and how to apply: https://www.christs.cam.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate-admissions/outreach-and-schools/subject-taster-events
Cambridge Undergraduate Conference in German Studies
When: 1-2/03/2024
Where: In person in The University of Cambridge
What: An opportunity for current GCSE and A-Level students, as well as teachers, with an interest in German and the German-speaking world to attend a day of talks, workshops and academic exchange.
More information and how to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftlG7Huweij1qM-THYPqo8fyZiPpSJenu7WRRLKekw8rl7yA/viewform
Upcoming opportunity to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week with us at National Highways.
We are hosting three spectacular webinars which will be discussing:
- Who are National Highways?
- Our apprenticeships and what it means to do an apprenticeship with us- what are we offering and what are the misconceptions.
- Our employee networks and how our apprentices can get involved.
Hear from some of our current apprentices about their experience and how an apprenticeship has equipped them with skills for life!
We will finish off with a Q&A from our Recruitment and Talent specialists!
Please share this with your members of staff, students and communications with parents as this is a great opportunity to learn about the apprenticeship pathway and how they can lead to an exciting career with us.
Find the link to registration and our careers page here where all our vacancies will also be going live on Monday 5th February.
Please click on the link below to view the University Hospital of Derby & Burton - Apprenticeship & Careers Newsletter. This edition includes information on:
- National Apprenticeship Week
- Our next exciting Future Workforce Event which will be held at Queens Hospital Burton
- Showcasing various roles/jobs
- Jobs page
- Videos for the students to watch regarding work experience or the role of a healthcare support worker
- Work experience application form
- And more!!
University Hospital of Derby & Burton Newsletter
The YMCA is an independent charity committed to helping people at times of need, regardless of gender, race, ability or faith.
The YMCA in Burton is happy to accept donations of the new style John Taylor High School uniform. These donations will support the secondhand provision of the John Taylor High School uniform and allow it to be available for lower cost purchase from the following store:
Happy Homes
24 Borough Road,
Burton upon Trent,
DE14 2DA
01283 547133
To support this provision, the school will organise some key future dates to support with large collections and drop offs. These will communicated soon.
Please can we politely ask for parents to refrain from parking at the Barton Christadelphians Church on Park Road during drop-off & collection. This is a private car park. Thank you for your co-operation.
The 16–19 Discretinary Bursary Fund is a government-provided, means-tested fund available to support students who have difficulty in meeting costs relating to their studies. To qualify, you must be under 19 years of age on 31st August in the academic year in which you start your programme of study, and you will be expected to provide evidence of personal and/or financial hardship. Each case will be assessed individually, however, usually this would be based on a household income of £27,000 or less, plus any benefits you are in receipt of at this point in time.
For further information, please see the guidance and application form using the following link John Taylor High School (jths.co.uk).
If you have queries please do not hesitate to get in touch [email protected]
Thank you
The Sixth Form Team