Science trip to the UK Atomic Energy Authority
During an exciting trip to the UK Atomic Energy Authority, Year 10 & 12 pupils got a firsthand look at groundbreaking fusion, energy and sustainability power. At the JET facility, they learned how scientists are working to create clean and sustainable power, and the future plans for ITER; an international experiment that aims to demonstrate the feasibility of large-scale fusion energy.
The visit was perfectly timed during British Science Week, giving students the unique opportunity to explore the upcoming STEP programme and how we must change and adapt to meet our energy needs. This innovative project aims to build a prototype fusion plant and create a UK-led fusion industry that will help secure our future on this planet. Students were fascinated to learn how fusion works. They saw how scientists use powerful equipment and learned about potential careers in this cutting-edge field of science and engineering.
Thank you to all the pupils for their incredible enthusiasm during the trip and for representing the school impeccably.