A young person’s career reflects the progress they make in learning and work. It is part of the vision and mission of John Taylor High School that all learners need a planned programme of activities to help them choose 14-19 options that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers, sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.
John Taylor High School is committed to ensure learners have access to a source of careers guidance which is independent and external to the school. We are committed to providing a planned programme of impartial careers education and information, advice and guidance (IAG) for all learners in Years 7-13 and to provide extra support as required for learners with additional needs. Timely evaluations and a range of assessment activities measure the impact of the careers programme on pupils. Results of these are used to continually improve our provision. John Taylor High School endeavours to follow best practice guidance from the careers profession, from other expert bodies such as Ofsted.
Key CEIAG Personnel at JTHS:
The Link Governor responsible for CEIAG provision at JTHS is Ms V Lewis
Our Career Leader and member of the Senior Leadership Team is Mrs A Spencer.
(The Career Leader can be contacted via a.spencer@jths.co.uk or 01283 247 800).
Our Subject Leader for CEIAG is Mrs A Ball.
Work Related Learning Coordinator is Mrs A Spurrier
Independent Careers Adviser is Mrs Sammy Thomas (Luminate).
We are also supported by our Enterprise Adviser Mrs Rhia Oliver from Access Bookings. Access Bookings are an award-winning TV, film & media accommodation booking specialist. They have been in the business for over 37 years and have a combined staff industry experience of over 150.
"Access Bookings specialises in accommodation and travel management, for the complex and ever changing needs of the media industry. With regional offices in Pinewood Studios Iver Heath, Pinewood Studios Cardiff, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, England, Portugal, Spain, France, Amsterdam and the entertainment hub of LA, Access Bookings provides a one-stop shop for productions and media companies. Take advantage of the local spend requirement by booking through one of our local offices. Wherever you are in the world we are just one click or call away from saving your production time and money.
Access Bookings is proud to be the premier provider of travel and accommodation booking services, having worked on some of the biggest projects in the industry from independent documentaries to large-scale blockbusters" Index | Access Bookings.
Should parents have a query about any aspect of Careers Advice, please contact your child's form tutor in the first instance via office@jths.co.uk
We are proud to be part of the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub in line with the DfE vision for all schools and colleges to be a part of a Careers Hub by 2024. We work closely with the Careers and Enterprise Company to further expand and improve our careers provision. The CEC is the national body for careers education in England, supporting schools and colleges to deliver modern, 21st century careers education. Their mission is to help every young person find their next best step. Supporting schools and colleges to engage with local employers to help them deliver world class careers support for all young people by building networks, supporting Careers Leaders in school and using the Gatsby Benchmark framework as a best practice standard and tool for continuous improvement.
Careers and Enterprise Company Enterprise Coordinator: Nicole Barnett (Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub - CEC)
"My role is to focus everyone's efforts on programmes and activities that are most effective in motivating young people, supporting independent choice and positive outcomes for the young people of John Taylor High School. I work directly with Mrs Spencer (Careers Leader), in school as well as Mrs Oliver (Enterprise Adviser) from Access Bookings Ltd
An outline of the Careers programme can be viewed by following the Parents link under the Careers menu.
Our careers information is reviewed on an annual basis. The date of the next review is June 2025.
Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Provision in Schools
How we evaluate our careers provision:
The school uses the Compass online self-evaluation tool to monitor how our careers support compares against the Gatsby Benchmarks and the national average.
Our careers programme is also evaluated, analysed and reviewed using a variety of methods:
The data provides us with information to prove the quality and effectiveness of our provision and identify any improvements that need to be made.