Results and Destinations 2024

Please view the Destinations page in the Careers section of this website for the previous year's data

John Taylor High School celebrate student’s promising future after exceptional A Level and Vocational results.

Staff and students at John Taylor High school celebrate exceptional A Level and Vocational results.

John Taylor High School provides a learning environment with expert subject specialists that together with a culture of hard-work, resilience and perseverance students can be successful and reach their full potential and aspirations.

A considerable number of students have achieved impressive A-level results. They include:

Harry A*A*A*A*, Erin Minott A*A*A*A*, James Shilton A*A*A*A*, Isaac Gill A*A*A*A, Holly Price A*A*A*A, Esme Kender A*A*A*A, Fern Lloyd A*A*A*A, Jasmine Magill A*A*A*, Ed Bush A*A*AA, Alex Forbes A*A*AB, Thomas George A*A*A, Jasmine Lakin A*A*AA, Malissa Buajeeb A*AAA, Samuel Madill A*AAA, Grace Sutherland A*AAB, Ella Kim A*ABC, Ellie Sadley A*ABB, Savannah Haslam A*AB, Niamh Kelly A*AB, Mary Akinrele A*BB, Kellen Sutherland A*BB, Millie Walker A*BB, Kyle Scotton A*BB,

Jess Boat AAAA, Kian Hicks AAAA, Jacob Holmes AAAA, Dougie Simpson AAAA,

Ella Holden AAA, Amber Conyers-Davies AAAB, Ben Rawlins AAAB, Sam Hadley AAAB, Sam Bradley AAAB, Isobel Dodge AABB, Safa Azhar AABB, Sol Leyland AAB, Andrew Harvey AAB Niamh Hemmings AABD, Isaac Wilkinson AAB, Scarlett Waite AAB, Sam Duggan AAB, Mollie Harrington AAB, Liv Goodburn AAB, Zara Miller AAB, Freya Wadham AAC, Sienna Wycherley AAB Distinction.

Rowan Pass ABBB, Cesca Smith ABBB,  Ruby Wright ABB, Sophie Salt ABB, Arthur Vigliecca ABB, Georgia Pearson ABB, Peggy McCleod ABB, Phoebe ABB, Lexie Olbison ABC Distinction*, Alice Hudson ABBC, Maryam Chaudhary ABBC, Neve Pepperell ABBC Dominik Jobbins ABCC, Edward Hall ABC, Tom McHoul ABC, Sarkheel Akram ABC, Matthew Smith ABC, Ellanor Peach ABCC, Ben Handford ACD, Tom Poole ACC Merit, Lola Porter ACC, Jed Owen AB Distinction,

The vocational qualifications were equally as impressive:

 Imogen Smith Distinction* Distinction* BC, Sarah Silverwood Distinction* Distinction* Distinction, Tom Holden Distinction* Distinction* E, Maddy Groves Distinction* Distinction Distinction Callum Smith Distinction* Distinction Distinction, Sam Pawley Distinction* Distinction Distinction, Travis Brough Distinction* Distinction, Distinction, Jack O’Donnell Distinction* Distinction Merit, Conor Emery-Green Distinction* Distinction Merit, Millie Field Distinction* Distinction Merit C, James England Distinction* CCE, Oliver Ramsey Distinction* BD, Reece MacGowan Distinction* Distinction* B,  Demi Riddell Distinction* Distinction E, Maddie Ingles Distinction AD, Kailen Barnes Distinction Distinction Merit, Sienna Wycherley Distinction AAB, Zac Greensmith Distinction Distinction C, Harry Neeson Distinction Distinction Pass, Huw Davison Distinction BB, Hannah Munro Distinction BC, Lucy Yau Distinction BBC Hassan Zaman Distinction Merit Merit, Natalia Edwards Distinction, Merit C Harry Heath Distinction Merit Pass, Aronas Baziliauskas Distinction Merit Pass, Alex Barter-Clamp Distinction Merit Pass

The class of 2024 have promising futures in their Post-18 pathway. There have been a considerable amount of students taking on apprenticeships in Law, Manufacturing, Research and Development, Finance, Business and Insurance for example, where others have chosen to secure employment, take a gap year or continue into Higher Education. Destinations for University include Cambridge, Durham, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Loughborough, Bournemouth and London to name a few, where students will be studying Archaeology, Architecture, Business, Computing, Economics, English Literature, Finance, Geography, Law, Mathematics, Sport Science, Animal Management, Professional and Commercial Dance for example.

Director of Post 16, Mrs Spencer said ‘watching our students grow and develop has been a real privilege and I have every confidence that they will embark on the next chapter of their life with the same tenacity and rigour they have shown during their time here at Sixth Form. We are proud as a school to offer a number of opportunities which our students have fully embraced which has aided their choices about their next steps. I am extremely proud of the Class of 2024. Not only have they produced some phenomenal results, they have shown personal excellence in abundance and been fantastic role models within the school. I hope they leave John Taylor with the confidence to embrace every opportunity that faces them and take on change and new challenges. That combined with their determination will mean they truly will thrive in the next chapter of their lives.’’

Noteworthy students were delighted to share their Post-18 plans;

Having joined us for her Sixth Form studies it was very clear that Erin Minott was destined to succeed. Having achieved outstanding results of an A* in History, English Literature, Chemistry and Biology, Erin is looking forward to a future career in Law as she embarks on her undergraduate studies at University College London. Erin said “I cannot say how well John Taylor has prepared me for my future endeavours in the field of law for I have yet to embark on that chapter of my life and the law is an unpredictable science. But what I can say with complete and unwavering confidence, is that if it was not for John Taylor's academic and pastoral investment in its students, I would not be entering this chapter with such optimism or ambition for my future and for that I cannot be more grateful. I was told that if I came to John Taylor, I would just be a number, a statistic, but I've found my experience to be quite the opposite. In the two short years I've spent here I've come to realise just how deeply the students and staff alike care for one another and how firmly entrenched the sense of community is within the Sixth Form especially. It’s truly been an honour and a privilege to have been welcomed so graciously into the John Taylor family.

As a dedicated Air Cadet, we would like to wish Ben Carty good luck in his future career with the Royal Airforce. Ben said “I'm excited to share that I'll be joining the Royal Air Force (RAF) after finishing my A-levels to pursue a career in avionics, fulfilling a lifelong dream. JTHS has been incredibly supportive of this decision, helping me prepare for this next step. I chose to study A-level Maths, Physics, and Computer Science, subjects that are essential for a career in avionics, definitely crucial subjects for understanding and working with advanced aircraft systems.  The teachers in these departments provided excellent instruction and tailored their support to align with my career aspirations. This comprehensive support system has been instrumental in equipping me with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career in the RAF.”

Congratulations to James England who has been an impressive advocate of the Apprenticeship route and we are confident he will be able to share his experiences in the future with our younger students. James studied BTEC Extended Certificate in Science, French, History and Religious Studies. James said “For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in the world of food. While doing my Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s award with John Taylor I spent time in the kitchen of a ski chalet in Switzerland and gained a qualification in food hygiene and preparation. My A level French skills came in handy! I’m excited to be starting a degree apprenticeship with Unilever, studying to become a professional in their R&D department. I’ll be at the forefront of innovation in ice cream working with brands such as Magnum and Walls as I study for my degree as a Food Technical Professional at Nottingham Trent University.”

Alice Hudson will also be studying a degree whilst building her CV at Rolls Royce. Alice studied A level Business Geography, Product Design and Financial Studies. Alice said “I am looking forward to joining Rolls Royce as a Business Management Degree apprentice as I feel it is a great way to get experience in many different departments across the business. RR operates on a global scale which was appealing to me as it will open up many great opportunities. The Sixth Form at John Taylor High School has helped me with each stage of the selection process. For the assessment centre I was given a brief on creating a technical presentation on a topic of my choice for which I was able to use my A level Product Design project. I feel the experiences I have had at John Taylor will prepare me for a great start to my career at Rolls Royce”. 

Kyle Scotton is looking forward to moving to The University of Warwick to read Law. Kyle said “Seven years ago I wished to become a pilot, studying Maths, Physics and Computer Science at A-Level, a far cry from those I actually studied. It all changed following an eye test that made it impossible to join the RAF. Despite the devastation that I faced at the impracticality of the career pathway I had formerly wished to pursue, with the opportunities provided by the school I was able to kindle my passion for language, through my French GCSE and A-Level, giving me the linguistic skills that I have applied to learning a third language, Spanish and my love for reading translated into a love for literature. Furthermore, the available leadership positions at school, such as Head Student and House Leader, provided the experience that enhanced my personal statement for university and my CV. Armed with these advantages, I was accepted into Durham law school, with the Hogan Lovells scholarship, where I endeavour to study Corporate Law, considering both National and International opportunities. Ultimately, John Taylor has served as a platform that has enabled me to embark on opportunities I would not have otherwise been able to undertake.”

Esmee Kender is looking forward to studying at the University of Cambridge where she will read Architecture. Esme studied A Level Art, Business and Religious Studies achieving A*A*A* We have no doubt that we will see her work in the future. Congratulations!

Samuel Madill will also be studying at the University of Cambridge where he will read Geography. Samuel studied A Level Geography A*, English Language A, Biology A and completed an Extended Project Qualification in which he achieved a grade A.

Mrs Cochrane, Headteacher, commented “Life beyond John Taylor High School begins now for our Year 13 cohort as they take that next step of their journey. We are thrilled and incredibly proud of the remarkable achievements of our students. Our pupils have once again shown success in a range of academic and vocational courses, which has enabled them to secure University places as well as higher level apprenticeships. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate every single student on their results and for exceeding the high-expectations John Taylor High School have established.’’


Dates for your diary:

If you are interested in joining John Taylor High School, we would welcome and encourage you to attend one of our open evenings:

Year 11 (For Year 12 September 2025 intake): Thursday 10th October

Year 6 (For Year 7 September 2025 intake): Thursday 24th October