Latest News

Ski Trip Easter 2025

Good afternoon,

Due to student interest, we are slightly later than planned but we are in a position where the ski trip has become viable and am delighted to inform you your child has secured a place on this trip. Due to availability of coaches there has had to be a slight change to the proposed numbers of the trip, to 46.

Places have been limited to 46 and unfortunately, we have not been able to offer a place to everyone who has expressed an interest. Due to this we have a small reserve list of pupils who may be able to take one of the places on the trip should a replacement be needed. If you are no longer wanting your child to take their place on the trip please could you inform me as soon as possible. Please see the attached letter for further details.

 Austria 2025 Success Letter

Thank you

Mr Hulley and Mr Williams 

PGL 2024- Kit list

Good afternoon,

Below is a link to a PGL Kit list, listing the items students will need to take on the trip. Please note that students DO NOT need bed linen as this is included in the cost of the trip.


Many thanks

S Bale

Head of Year 8

PGL reminder

Good morning,

Students have been sent a link to complete who they wish to share a room with during the PGL trip. This must be completed by 23rd May 2024.

Please ensure that your child completes the link -it has been sent to their school email address - also given below.

Many thanks

Miss Bale

GCSE Exam briefing reminder

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),

Re: Year 11 Pre-Exam Briefings Update

Thank you for your ongoing support with the Pre-Exam Briefings. These are now well under way and the students are finding them very beneficial. We are very grateful to the teachers for putting these sessions on each day.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the timetable and timescale of these briefings and that students still need to sign up for the morning sessions. We are following our normal attendance procedures and cannot authorise unexplained absences.  


We have been very impressed with the students’ attitude and focus during this exam season and we continue to wish them the very best of luck.


The ‘Pre-Exam’ timetable will commence from Thursday 9th May and will run through to the final exam on Wednesday 19th June.  


The principles of the ‘Pre-Exam’ Timetable are as follows: 


  • Before school morning pre-exam briefings will be available for every AM exam.  They will start at 8am and finish by 8:45am.
  • Students wishing to attend the pre-exam briefings before school will be required to sign up to each session they wish to attend using the link below:
  • John Taylor High School eNewsletter (
  • After morning exams between Thursday 9th May and Friday 7th June students are expected to return to normal lessons once the exam has finished. 
  • Between Thursday 9th May and Friday 7th June, PM exams will have a pre-exam briefing during period 4. These will be compulsory for all students to attend.
  • Between Thursday 9th May and Friday 7th June, when students are not in exams or pre-exam briefings students will be attending normal lessons. Where the subject has exams remaining, the lessons will be focused on preparing for remaining exams. Where the subject has completed all examined units, English, Maths and Science will be providing materials to support revision for the core subjects. 
  • Requests to study at home during the exam period will not be authorised and therefore will result in unauthorised attendance marks. 
  • From Monday 10th June students will need to sign up for all pre-exam briefings, this includes those before school and those running period 4 (12:20-13:00). Students can sign up to period 4 pre-exam briefings using the same link as the one above. 
  • From Monday 10th June students will be permitted to study from home when they do not have an exam.
  • Students will be coded as S from Monday 10th June for sessions they do not attend. This is the attendance code for Study Leave. 
  • If your child has two exams in one day, for example morning and afternoon, we would expect them to stay on school site and engage with the pre-exam briefing and we will make arrangements for them to have a study area available. If from Friday 7th June, you would prefer your child to work from home after their exams you will need to complete the permission form using the link below:
  • John Taylor High School eNewsletter (
    • Throughout the exams season, we host GCSE and A Level exams. There are a number of occasions where GCSE exams finish earlier than A Level exams so we ask that all students are respectful to the students who are still completing exams and make their way from the exam venue as quickly and quietly as possible. 



The weekly schedule for pre-exam briefings is outlined below. More information regarding staffing and venues will be made available as we move closer towards the exam season.

W/C 5th May













Thursday 9th May







Friday 10th May












W/C 13th May




Monday 13th May




Tuesday 14th May









Wednesday 15th May



Computer Science




Thursday 16th May







Friday 17th May











W/C 20th May




Monday 20th May



Tuesday 21st May




Computer Science





Wednesday 22nd May





Physical Education






Thursday 23rd May





Friday 24th May






W/C 3rd June




Monday 3rd June



Physical Education




Tuesday 4th June



Wednesday 5th June







Thursday 6th June




Friday 7th June




W/C 10th June




Monday 10th June



Tuesday 11th June











Wednesday 12th June



Thursday 13th June




Friday 14th June










W/C 17th June





Monday 17th June



Tuesday 18th June



Wednesday 19th June

Food and Nutrition


Thursday 20th June

Celebration Assembly Afternoon

Students to arrive in school between 2pm and 2:15pm.

The assembly will finish by 3:40pm and Year 11 students can use the bus services at the end of the school day.

More information will be shared closer to the date.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M. Bousfield

Head of Upper School & Designated Safeguarding Lead

John Taylor High School

GCSE English literature revision videos (Y11)

GCSE English literature revision videos (Y11)

The English department has been building a bank of quick revision videos to support students in the lead up to their exams in a couple of weeks.

Please encourage your child to access these materials to support their revision. I have categorised them as ‘Longer revision’ and ‘quick revision’ to make it easier for students to choose the best video to support them. The shorter revision videos are all around 15 minutes in length.

These materials can be found on this Padlet:

If you have any questions, email Mrs Burns on [email protected].

Message to Year 6 Parents/ Carers

Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,

It has been a privilege to be the Headteacher at John Taylor High School for the last 6 years. I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving the school at the end of the summer term (August 2024). The experience that I have gained whilst I have led John Taylor High School, has led me to be offered an exciting opportunity as Director of Education in a Trust located in South Yorkshire/North Derbyshire, in which I will be able to support a number of schools in providing the best opportunities for the communities that they serve.

I am incredibly proud to have been the Headteacher at John Taylor and the memories I have will stay with me for many years to come. Together as a community we have achieved many great things. I have had the pleasure of working alongside such dedicated students, staff and parents, it has been an incredible privilege and honour. I am immensely proud of the progress we have made together during my time here. All members showing their ‘personal excellence’ in various areas, as well as the school community demonstrating daily the school values that mean so much, respect, perseverance, integrity and kindness – as the one community that we are.

I have every confidence in the John Taylor High School staff and the leaders that they will continue to take the school from strength to strength. I am pleased to announce that Mr Blanchenot (Deputy Headteacher) will be taking over from me as Acting Headteacher in September and a recruitment process will start to appoint a new Headteacher for January 2025. Mr Blanchenot brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to the vision and values of the school, that make the school community so special. I have every confidence that under his leadership, the school will continue to thrive. You will meet Mr Blanchenot along with various other school staff on the Year 6 parents information evening on Thursday 4th July 2024.

Wishing you all every success and happiness for the future at John Taylor High school

With very warm wishes

Mrs. Cochrane


809 and 810 Temporary Route Changes

Dear Parents and Carers

There is an issue with the road between Anslow and Tatenhill due to overhanging branches. As such, the 809 and 810 services cannot travel down Postern Road and Main Street into Tatenhill. Instead, they will travel up past the Acorn Pub to the Jet Service Station and then down past Berkley Garden Centre to school.

Those students who live in Tatenhill have been asked to take the 807 service. This bus will drop the students at the crossroads at Tatenhill before continuing on to Rangemore. Students who live at the top of Postern Road will continue to take the 809 or 810 services but they will be dropped off by the Acorn Pub on Henhurst Hill.

The arrangement in the morning is that the Tatenhill students will catch the 807 bus as it comes through at 8:09am. Students on Postern Rd should make their way to Henhurst Hill can catch the 809 or 810 services at 8:15am or 8:38am respectively.

I will let you know when the tree situation has been sorted and normal services can be resumed.

With best wishes

J Twynham

Deputy Headteacher

Belgium Trip 2024

Good Afternoon,

For live updates about the Year 9 Belgium Trip please follow @HistoryJTHS on twitter if you have an account. We have just been informed that students have now arrived in France and are heading to the afternoon's sites.

Many Thanks,

John Taylor High School

Y9 Birmingham Think Tank Science trip

Dear Parents and guardians,

I can confirm that your child has secured a place on the Science Think Tank Trip to Birmingham and we are now in a position to request payment of £21 which should now be available for you on parent pay. If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, then there will be no associated cost and a Consent Only item will be available on ParentPay.

Throughout the day students will circulate Think Tank galleries completing educational tasks specific to each interactive zone. This will include (subject to availability) an opportunity to explore the diversity of life on Earth as well as an interactive display on the human body, and time in the changing planet exhibit, exploring humanity’s impact and how we can protect our planet.

Also included in the admission price is an opportunity to watch an interactive show.

If your child is in 9C1-4 they will attend on Tuesday 16th April 2024.

If your child is in 9C5-8 they will attend on Wednesday 17th April 2024

Students are required to bring their own packed lunch and will be provided with an area to sit to eat it. If your child receives FSM a pack up lunch will be provided.

Students will need to arrive at school for their normal time to get registered with an aim to leave school on a coach at 9:15 to arrive at the Think tank, Birmingham, for 10:15 at the latest. The coach will leave the Think Tank at 2:30 and arrive back at school for students to make their normal way home.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Drage

Teacher of Science

Eid 2024- Reminder

Eid 2024- Reminder

Dear Parent / Carer,

Eid 2024

We will soon be approaching the celebration of Eid. It is understood that this is likely to fall on or near 10th April 204 and therefore there may be an absence from school required. If any parents feel that their child may be absent from school due to Eid celebrations, please can we request that a leave of absence form is completed in advance.

Please complete the online form John Taylor High School eNewsletter ( clearly stating that you intend for your child to be absent to celebrate Eid. For your information, as per JTMAT policies, we are only able to authorise one day of absence for religious observance.

We hope to provide as little disruption to Eid celebrations as possible however if you do not notify us in advance normal attendance and safeguarding procedures will be followed. This includes contacting parents / carers should a child be absent and no reason be provided. If we are unable to establish contact on the day this may result in a child's absence being recorded as unauthorised. 

Many thanks

Sian Hickey ( Preferred Pronouns She / Her)

Attendance Intervention Manager

This email has been sent within my working hours. I understand that your working hours may differ from my own and respect a need for work / life balance. 

Working Hours - Mondays and Thursday 8.30-4pm, Tuesday and Wednesday 8.30-1pm and Friday 8.30-12.30pm

John Taylor High School 

Dunstall Road, Barton under Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 8AZ
T: 01283 247800  |  F: 01283 247799  |  E: [email protected]  |  W: