Religious Studies is taught as a core subject from Years 7-11 and is available as an A-Level option at Post-16.
The curriculum is designed to give pupils a wide range of understanding of different World Religions, as well as allowing the opportunity to discuss, evaluate and explore different Philosophical and Ethical issues. The Religious Studies Department are committed to providing an imaginative and stimulating curriculum and classroom environment in order to develop students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education, as well as developing skills of empathy in order to relate to the views of others. Students are able to see the relevance of what they study through the development of cross-curricular links (for example recently collaborating with the Art Department for a National ‘Spirited Arts’ competition) and through visits into the local community. Themes and topics covered at KS3-4 encourage pupils to be thoughtful, understanding and develop an awareness of the multicultural society in which they live.
Programme of study
Year 7
Pupils are taught Religious Studies for one 50minute lesson per week and cover the following topics:
Year 8
Pupils have two 50 minute lessons per week and study the following topics:
Year 9
Pupils begin their study of the AQA Religious Studies A Full course. They have two 50 minute lessons per week and cover the following topics:
Year 10
Pupils continue with their study of the Full Course GCSE and have one 50 minute lesson per week. They cover the following topics:
Year 11
Pupils complete their study of the Full Course GCSE on one 50 minute lesson per week. They cover the following:
Pupils have the option to continue to study Religious Studies: Religion, Philosophy and Ethics following the AQA syllabus. In this course they would study: